The Missouri Rush Show-ME Showdown will take place in St. Charles County the weekend of September 6th-8th in 2024. This event will be a 3 game guarantee and will be played at the Missouri Rush Sports Park and the Slyman Bros (SLYSA Complex). This is a Stay-to-Play event.
Registration Closes: CLOSED
Brackets: August 11th
Schedule: August 25th
Please enter any conflicts/requests you may have during the application process. Once you register, you can always go back into the application under the "Requests" tab and enter updated conflicts/notes. We will do our best to work around your team's conflicts. Local teams may be scheduled to play on Friday evening.
This event is a Stay to Play event where all out of town teams are required to book their hotels through the tournament approved housing company (Pellucid Travel). An out of town team is classified by the distance traveling to attend the event. If your team is within 60 miles of the event, you will not be required to stay in a hotel. The hotel link is listed below in the event links.
The event is open to all competitively registered players in either USYS or US Club for the following ages
Application Fees:
7v7 (Boys & Girls) = $750.00 + $20 Gorsport Fee
9v9 (Boys & Girls) = $800.00 + $20 Gorsport Fee
11v11 Jr. High (Boys & Girls and possible trapped 10B) = $900.00 + $20 Gorsport Fee
11v11 High School (Girls) = $950.00 + $20 Gorsport Fee
Payment can be made by credit card or by check. Gotsport adds a software fee to each registration which is reflected in the registration process and added to your payment method.